
Bower is a light-weight package manager for web application components. Packages are hosted as git repositories and registered with the bower registry. Being so lightweight, it’s a simple matter to publish a component that other people can find and include in their apps.

$ bower init
  ...answer some questions...
$ git tag v1.0.0
$ git push origin -a
$ bower register my-component-name git@my.server:path/to/repo.git

There is, naturally, a downside to this simplicity. It’s very tempting to register your source repository as a component and many people do this. But most components will need building before they are useful (minification, transpiling, LESS/SASS etc.) and this leads to the dilema: should you check in built artifacts to your source repo?

Like all such issues, it’s a matter of personal taste. JS is unusual in that built and source are really the same kind of file, so it makes a sort of sense. This means it happens a lot. But I find it confusing when components are pulled into a build complete with all source, documentation, tests and so on.

The alternative is maintaining 2 repositories for a component. This can annoy people, but most other development environments have a clear separation between the code and the published product. So I’d like to outline a recipe for taking a little of the pain out of it.

The Other Repo

The approach I took when publishing the virtual scrolling component was to have a separate repository for the bower component and use git submodules to map that as the dist directory of the source repository. The build (managed by Grunt) puts the minified files in the dist directory and anyone cloning the source repo won’t notice any difference.

To set this up, use the git submodule add command as described here. The component repository is just a regular git repository with nothing in it (for now). It must be set up first, because the submodule link will point to the specific version. Then in the source repository:

$ git submodule add <component-repo-url> dist

Submodules aren’t activated by default, so any clone of the source repo will behave as if dist is just a normal directory. To really use the 2 repositories together requires the following sequence of actions:

  1. Update the submodule to the latest:
    $ git submodule init
    $ git submodule update
    $ (cd dist; git checkout master)
  2. Build (be sure you are building a release with new version numbers etc.).

  3. Write new version info to the component description file (dist/component.json or dist/bower.json).

  4. Commit and tag in the submodule.
    $ (cd dist; git commit -a -m"New version")
    $ (cd dist; git tag -m"New version")
  5. Commit and tag in the source repo.
    $ git commit -a -m"New version"
    $ git tag -m"New version"
  6. Update the submodule again.

  7. Push both repositories to the public endpoints.

Some of these steps are easily overlooked, so I have them coded as grunt tasks (see the Gruntfile.js). Feel free to copy and modify whatever will help your builds.